Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Irvine Housing Blog

Irvine Housing Blog

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Irvine by the Numbers - September 2012 Update

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Here is an updated list of the housing numbers for each of Irvine’s neighborhood. As they did last month, Northpark and Westpark had year-over-year decreases in the price per square foot in all but one month this year. However, Oakcreek had an increase in the price per square foot in August (Last month Oakcreek was similar to Northpark and Westpark in that it had year-over-year decreases in all but one month this year.). Woodbury is still notable for having mostly year-over-year decreases this year. Turtle Rock still has year-over-year increases in all but one month this year. Irvine’s other neighborhoods have various combinations of up and down fluctuations in the price per square.

Area List Price/# Homes Listed Sold Price/# Homes Sold List Per SF Sold Per SF % Chg Y-O-Y Sold Price/SF
12-Aug $520K/23 $431K/23 $382 $328 13.50%
12-Jul $594K/27 $468K/18 $406 $312 1%
12-Jun $511K/32 $328K/30 $380 $312 -3.40%
12-May $459K/41  $514K/19  $356 $325  5.90%
12-Apr $442K/48 $340K/25 $350 $304 -5.90%
12-Mar $415K/45 $412K/16 $348 $346 11.60%
12-Feb $392K/48 $330K/15 $337 $288 -11.70%
12-Jan $374K/52 $327K/18 $332 $317 -17%
Columbus Grove n/a        
El Camino          
12-Aug $600K/21 $490/21 $359 $334 -7%
12-Jul $624K/10 $455K/9 $408 $359  16.6%
12-Jun $579K/24 $504K/13 $392 $327 16%
12-May $555K/19  $435K/19  $365 $280 -17.20%
12-Apr $572K/22 $458K/12 $329 $239 -22.10%
12-Mar $546K/22 $468K/10 $329 $327 3.80%
12-Feb $467K/26 $340K/5 $339 $281 -6.60%
12-Jan $462K/28 $389K/6 $322 $267 -28.40%
12-Aug $809K/48    $488K/40 $333 $289 -2.70%
12-Jul $844K/48    $540K/31 $348 $289 -10%
12-Jun $774K/50  $460K/35  $351  $297  1.40%
12-May $700K/59  $438K/35   $329  $278 -7.3% 
12-Apr $649K/51 $390K/29 $339 $283 -10.04
12-Mar $674K/50 $465K/36 $341 $281 -8.80%
12-Feb $459K/74 $415K/13 $301 $280 -9.40%
12-Jan $465K/91 $412K/19 $290 $277 -20.90%
12-Aug $735K/51 $612K/38 $322 $317 7.10%
12-Jul $727K/52 $650K/22 $323 $340 9%
12-Jun $692K/62 $525K/27 $316 $295  -8.10%
12-May $697K/52 $584K/32 $314  $267  -13% 
12-Apr $599K/59 $579K/30 $312 $310 5.10%
12-Mar $519K/61 $518K/20 $316 $301 -1.60%
12-Feb $504K/66 $292K/13 $300 $287 -7.10%
12-Jan $489K/78 $518K/17 $286 $292 -7.60%
Oak Creek          
12-Aug $644K/16 $433K/16 $328 $327 -3.50%
12-Jul $576K/12  $338K/12 $330 $288 -10.60%
12-Jun $720K/19  $216K/10  $330  $216  -21.10%
12-May  $579K/17  $240K/8 $333  $281 -1.7% 
12-Apr $530K/19 $628K/14 $303 $315 5.90%
12-Mar $425K/27 $284K/14 $309 $292 -1.40%
12-Feb $487K/26 $267K/13 $317 $267 -15.80%
12-Jan $350K/33 $249K/9 $308 $261 -20.40%
Orange Tree          
12-Aug $320K/3 $184K/2 $289 $214 -41.50%
12-Jul $257K/2 $279K/4 $311 $265 -23%
12-Jun $250K/3 $181K/6  $307   $251  -10%
12-May $280K/3  $145K/2 $307 $261 6.1% 
12-Apr $278K/6 $165K/1 $256 $203 -31.90%
12-Mar $245K/9 $189K/6 $253 $279 4.10%
12-Feb $242K/6 $200K/6 $249 $230 -33.50%
12-Jan $216K/12 $205K/5 $252 $249 -13.50%
Portola Springs        
12-Aug $640K/26 $571K/11 $324 $283 -5.40%
12-Jul $639K/33 $631K/12 $325 $317 1%
12-Jun $622K/31 $724K/8 $321 $308 -4%
12-May $660K/23 $582K/13 $335 $284 -4.10%
12-Apr $693K/30 $596K/11 $330 $299 -11%
12-Mar $639K/25 $950K/5 $325 $320 11.90%
12-Feb $641K/31 $510K/1 $317 $249 -12%
12-Jan $623K/43 $570K/7 $321 $293 1.40%
Quail Hill           
12-Aug    $630K/15 $600K/12 $392 $392 11.40%
12-Jul    $625K/13 $885K/8 $361 $389 21.60%
12-Jun $647K/14   $586K/12  $373 $375 8.1% 
12-May $714K/18  $465K/13 $376 $347 -13.00%
12-Apr $749K/17 $863K/6 $373 $374 7.50%
12-Mar $500K/21 $505K/9 $360 $317 -3.10%
12-Feb $515K/21 $470k/6 $364 $307 -10.80%
12-Jan $560K/20 $512K/8 $324 $326 -13.30%
Rancho San Joaquin        
12-Aug $449K/4 $460K/3 $339 $307 -9.70%
12-Jul $509K/3 $433K/2 $320 $269 -6.30%
12-Jun n/a        
12-May $475K/5 $410K/2 $313 $306 -2%
12-Apr n/a        
12-Mar $465K/5 $500K/2 $246 $296 n/a
12-Feb $492K/6 $360K/1 $297 $336 n/a
12-Jan n/a          
Shady Canyon        
12-Aug $6,922K/26 $3,124K/4 $770 $561 -3.90%
12-Jul $6,000K/27 $4,555K/3 $760 $586 15.40%
12-Jun $5,998K/26 $3,700K/3 $761 $552 -10%
12-May $6,000K/25 $4,019K/6 $705 $673 30.70%
12-Apr $5,995K/23 $4,875K/4 $720 $512 -6.10%
12-Mar $5,980K/21 $4,436K/4 $720 $657 28.80%
12-Feb $5,995K/23 $3,200K/3 $725 $603 7.50%
12-Jan $5,980K/23 $2,670K/5 $720 $534 24.20%
Turtle Ridge          
12-Aug $1,825K/21 $1,950K/9 $567 $504 22%
12-Jul $1,848K/25 $1,440K/12 $571 $510 14.90%
12-Jun  $1,875K/27 $1,360K/11 $570   $467  4.70%
12-May $1,749K/31 $1,044K/8  $545  $459 0.10%
12-Apr $1,724K/28 na/8 $533 $421 5.20%
12-Mar $1,899K/28 $1,500K/7 $550 $485 -8.30%
12-Feb $1,899K/27 $955K/4 $527 $441 18.90%
12-Jan $1,672K/32 $532K/4 $493 $355 -25.30%
Turtle Rock          
12-Aug $825K/27 $932K/14 $399 $465 14.80%
12-Jul $837K/32 $975K/10 $421 $451 19.30%
12-Jun $865K/37  $915K/20 $457  $446 3.20%
12-May $939K/37  $730K/9  $454   $410  3.30%
12-Apr $986K/43 $1,050K/5 $457 $461 10.30%
12-Mar $967K/40 $690K/11 $448 $381 17.60%
12-Feb $1,024K/38 $1,422K/4 $457 $559 14.30%
12-Jan $974K/40 $545K/8 $458 $295 -14.20%
University Park         
12-Aug $631K/8 $520K/12 $359 $333 6.10%
12-Jul $699K/7 $560K/5 $331 $312 -9%
12-Jun $599K/12 $540K/10 $345 $333 6.40%
12-May $602K/12 $539K/8 $346 $291 6.20%
12-Apr $609K/11 $538K/7 $352 $272 -15%
12-Mar $552K/14 $431K/6 $288 $305 -5.60%
12-Feb $578K/14 $555K/4 $297 $286 9.60%
12-Jan $595K/14 $420K/7 $289 $281 -10.80%
University Town Center        
12-Aug $355K/3 $411K/4 $399 $333 9.90%
12-Jul $435K/10 $430K/6 $368 $316 -10%
12-Jun $440K/7 $295K/2 $384 $322 17.10%
12-May $440K/5 $450K/5 $371 $311 6.90%
12-Apr $340K/3 $375K/5 $338 $326 6.90%
12-Mar $455K/7 $478K/4 $298 $321 1.90%
12-Feb $347K/6 $384K/1 $342 $265 -19.50%
12-Jan $467K/10 $480K/1 $330 $315 n/a
12-Aug $630K/8  $575K/4 $330 $303 -1.30%
12-Jul $626K/14 $528K/1 $330 $321 -4.20%
12-Jun $659K/5 $540K/5 $307 $280 -9.40%
12-May $628K/5 $595K/5  $309 $314 14.6% 
12-Apr $532K/3 $580K/5 $313 $306 -1%
12-Mar $619K/5 $635K/3 $327 $300 3.40%
12-Feb $600K/5 $509K/3 $316 $310 -9.40%
12-Jan $600K/11 $596K/4 $298 $259 -12.80%
West Irvine n/a        
12-Aug $558K/12 $740K/5 $357 $345 6.20%
12-Jul $615K/11 $480K/3 $329 $291 -20.30%
12-Jun $823K/13 $670K/4 $360 $318 -10.40%



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