Monday, June 13, 2011

Great Home Design, Architecture and Interior

Great Home Design, Architecture and Interior

Cool and Stylish Green Bathroom Design and Decoration

Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:45 PM PDT

contemporary green bathroom design photos

Green is the most popular word now. All the human aspect correlated by the green since the greeen to be the world campaign to reduce the global warming. Green has close correlated by the nature, fresh atmosphere and calm. For the design interior, green also to be one of the most popular color or theme to design the home interior and decoration. Here it is some sample photos of contamporaay green theme bathroom design and decoration that might could be reference for someone to design or remodell thier bathroom apperance. In these photos the green bathroom floor and wall tiles to be the main materials to design all the green bathroom design and decoration. Pleasse watch detailly, If You want to adopt it.

flower pattern of green bathroom tiles

light green bathroom tiles and interior

clean and simple light green bathroom photos


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